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About The Ringwood Men's Shed

The RMS is an independent organisation; members nominate and elect a committee at each Annual General Meeting in September.
The committee members administer the affairs of the shed including financial, safe operations, membership, publicity, community and other partnerships and our activities program.

Currently the RMS membership subscription is $50 per calendar year, plus a gold coin donation per member for each day they attend. Members may attend any and every day we are open.

The RMS acknowledges with heartfelt thanks the support we receive from:

  • The Victorian Government - Department of Health and Human Services

  • Maroondah City Council

  • Bendigo Bank East Ringwood and Heathmont branches

  • Rotary Club of Ringwood

  • Bunnings Ringwood

  • And the many people of Maroondah who have donated materials or money.


We would particularly like to thank the Maroondah City Council for their ongoing support and the space at the Parkwood Hub building at Tortice Drive. During our establishment phase we received extensive help from both the Ringwood Church of Christ and the Rotary Club of Ringwood for which we remain very grateful. 

How We Operate

The Ringwood Men's Shed currently operates Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays but our objective is to open more days per week as membership increases.


Members can work on their own projects, fund raising projects, model-making or simply meet for friendship, reading or just get to know other members. Members also frequently work on items and projects to assist other clubs and community groups such as the Maroondah Toy Library.


The Ringwood Men's Shed will continue to encourage new individual and group activities for and by members in its multi-purpose workshop spaces.


The committee, with suggestions from members, can arrange a program of activities, usually to cover a 3-4 month period.

Programmed activities can include training in operating tools and equipment, the exchange of skills between members and presentations to educate and advise members on lifestyle and health issues.


The program may also include visits to and by other sheds, demonstration events, open days, evening activities and cooperative activities with other community groups, particularly those also located at the Parkwood site.


As well as the Shed’s practical content its major focus is to keep our members interested in their health and well being.

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